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  • 11 :30 AM

    Meeting with Gegosoft team

  • 01 :30 PM

    Lunch with Mr.Robert & team



  • 01 :20 AM

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • 09 :30 PM

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text



  • 10 :10 AM

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

  • 11 :16 PM

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

EX - Recent Activities
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  • Gegosoft Meeting

  • Default Meeting

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy

  • Gegosoft Meeting - 1

  • Skill Upgrades

Call Log
  • 11 :30 AM

    Baba Ramdev

  • 11 :10 AM

    Arul Prasad

  • 10 :50 AM

    Arun Yogeswar

  • 10 :45 AM

    Rajkumar Yogeswar

  • 09 :45 AM

    Ramgobal Varma

  • 09 :40 AM

    Ramgobal Varma

  • 09 :30 AM

    Installation support...

Unread Notifications
  • Oliver Queen added you to group conversation with Lisa Thompson and Mark Taylor.

    11:25 AM

  • Your meeting with Steve Waugh is scheduled to start in 10 Minutes.Meeting ID : XXX-YYY-DD01

    11:20 AM

  • Brett Lee Shared you a file InstallGuide_2019.pdf

    10:55 AM

  • Brett Lee Shared you a file DesignGuide.pdf

    10:55 AM

  • Brett Lee Shared you a file DesignGuide.pdf

    10:55 AM

My Tasks

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Assigned By : Mohan Surya

Due Date : 19-11-2021 01:10

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.

Assigned By : Arul Prasad

Due Date : 20-11-2021 11:23

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Assigned By : Mohan Surya

Due Date : 20-11-2021 11:23

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Assigned By : Mohan Surya

Due Date : 22-11-2021 01:10

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.

Assigned By : Arul Prasad

Due Date : 25-11-2021 09:11